
What's in a name?

I love words, as you know by now. I am a word nerd, and proud of it! I think words are fun. I love to learn new words, and I especially love to learn their etymology. Sometimes the history of a word is even more interesting than the word itself!

The problem when you are a word nerd is that if you use words that other people have never even heard of they think you are showing off or they simply don't know what you are talking about.

I was also thinking about the power of words. I think so many words have been used and abused that they don't mean as much as they are supposed to mean. Like, "sorry." How many times do we hear that in a day, and how many times is it even genuine? I save my "sorry" for when I really need it, really mean it.

How about when people ask you how you are? They expect a simple answer, and are they REALLY wanting to know how you are doing? I remember when one day I decided to answer the how are you question with, "My pet parrot died." Of course, I did not have a pet parrot, nor did it die. But, you would not believe how many people initially responded with something like, "That's good." Or, something to that nature, and then realized after they spoke what I really said. Definitely words can be used mindlessly :(

Or, how about when we make a word have more power than it deserves? When we use words to hurt people? I can think of all sorts of examples, none that I choose to use right here, but you know what I am talking about. What if we made all those words lose their power? What if we decided that they meant the opposite of what they mean?

I also think Old Shakes had it right when he questioned about the rose, and would it not be a rose, have rose qualities, smell so sweet, if we called it something else?

Oh, words, you are so complex. How do you make my life more simple, I wonder? I guess you allow me to communicate, even if sometimes I am misunderstood. Well, with that I will use one last word: KISS!

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