
I heart the weekend!

Though this weekend felt like it zoomed was a good one!

Friday night I was able to spend a couple of hours with my good friend Lorri. I always love our girl time :) I am excited to spend time with her and the family on Sunday for the Super Bowl!

Saturday was spent with lots of packing, sorting, and some moving. UGH. And, then I also finished reading the second book in the series I am reading right now. Uglies, check. Pretties, check. Specials, started!

Rick and I also found some fun tv reality shows to watch The Last American Cowboy and Boomtown, both on the Green Channel. We liked the Cowboy show more. But, it was fun to relax and discover these two new shows.

Sunday was spent doing much of the same as Saturday. So much work to move, ya know?! Then we have done a bunch of organizing at Rick's, and rearranging. We put up some bunk beds that I had at my house, and those are a chore, but well worth the smiles when it was all done!

I didn't recharge as much as I would have liked, but that won't happen for a couple of weeks. This upcoming week: WOOOO WEEEE, busy!

Dinner at the Breadline with my good friend Kris, and we are going to buy our hockey tickets! I am so excited!!!! Brownies, and we are kicking off cookie sales at the end of this week, oh my! Fiddle practice in Tonasket. Chiro appt (trying to still get the neck in order). The official move on Saturday. Cleaning and painting on Friday night. Dealing with all the loose ends (PUD, cable, etc.). Making treats for one of my classes (I owe them), and for my advisory group (but, I must confess, I am feeling like I will just be buying some sort of yummy). Monthly grocery shopping and meal planning. Benefit auction on Saturday night for Carol Downey (gotta make a lottery tree that I am donating). Super Bowl on Sunday (gotta make yummy food for that party). And, don't forget play practice (gathering props and painting set, too) and just normal life stuff like cooking, laundry, dishes, working, grading papers, you know! And, I am hoping to squeeze in a doctor's appointment for this sinus bit. Maybe least as I fall asleep.

I have about five other things, that I have moved to next week's list, because this week's is just toooooooo busy, which goes directly against my KEEP IT SIMPLE motto!

I can't wait until Sunday at the Super Bowl. AHHHHHH...that will be RELAX time :) KISS!

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