
Today's Truisms

What I think and believe to be true...

Surprises are spectacular :) Both giving AND receiving, though I have been giving a surprise a week since the new year. It's fun! It makes my heart feel all happy.

Random acts of kindness rock! Same thing, being responsible for random acts of kindness (of course, anonymously) or being on the receiving end of said random act (especially anonymously). I have decided that I will be the giver of random random acts of kindness throughout the year, at least once a month.

Free things are fantastical. I love it when I can buy one thing and get another free. This just happened to me with meat at Safeway. Or, I love it when I have a free coffee for filling up my coffee card.

Our stuff weighs us down. Throwing stuff out and organizing what's left makes me feel a million pounds lighter! It's just like weight, that as soon as you lose some, you have more energy. I get this!!

Get outside! I definitely believe that we should spend quality time outside, not just the in and out of our cars and houses and jobs time. We need the fresh air!

Simple things matter more. I love receiving a card or a homemade present more than anything bought in a store. Yes, I realize that gifts are nice, too, but often it ends up being a part of that stuff that weighs us down. This year my 8th grade students wrote a project that ended up with the potential to be a present. I had several of the receivers of this present personally notify me and tell me that it was THE BEST gift they had ever received. This even works for food. Think about when you are way up in the mountains and you eat some nuts or a piece of fruit and how simple and just right it is. I have come to realize that SIMPLE THINGS MATTER MORE and that making life simple makes life better.


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