
Lots for which to be tHaNkFuL :)

Wednesday - World Thinking Day was fun, and I was proud of our troop. I am VERY thankful for having such a great co-leader. I didn't feel too swell, so it was nice that I had another adult to help and take the lead!

Thursday - I had my hair appointment, and I love the color and having my eyebrows waxed :) I just feel like a new woman every time I leave my hair stylist!

Friday - We had a fun day! I dressed in GREEN and was quite the shamrock loving lady!! We had a yummy green read and feed. AND, I was REALLY excited and thankful for the 35--yes THIRTY-FIVE--kids who came to the Fall Cheer intro meeting!!!

Saturday - Thankful that I went to the doctor! And, she gave me heavy duty antibiotics (2000mg a day!), so hopefully I will kick the sinus infection AND bronchitis before my trip to Vegas!!

Sunday - Going for my first motorcycle ride of 2012! It was so lovely :) I freaking ADORE driving my motorcycle!!!

Monday - My massage today :)


CRAZY headache today

So, today I woke up at 3 a.m. hacking up a lung and sweating with a fever :( I ended up staying home, one of the FEW days I stay home sick ever. (probably why I have so much sick leave accrued!)

ANYHOOT--later in the afternoon, when I wasn't spiking a fever anymore, and my coughing was controlled, I had a MONSTER headache, that I thought MIGHT go into a nasty migraine. I am THANKFUL FOR EXCEDRIN MIGRAINE and that it kicked that headache to the curb.

I don't know if this is TOM headache, or being sick, maybe sinus-related? SIGH. NO MORE SICKY...PLEASE! I gotta heal so that I am healthy when I go to Vegas, since I have so much planned for there!!!



I am thankful for the fact that we only have 10 more school Mondays until SUMMER!!! How cool is that??!! And, this is going to be one of THE best summers, I have ever experienced!



Thursday- I am thankful for surprises. I can't tell the surprise right now, I will share it in a couple of weeks, but BOY OH BOY...I LOVE SURPRISES!!!!

Friday- Fridays that our little one comes home are SO MUCH FUN! We had Papa Murphy's, played around and just enjoyed each other!

Saturday- Thankful for good times with friends :) We went to the Oyster and Prime Rib Feed at the Elks, which I am starting to feel like a regular at the Elks, since we have been going to all of their feeds lately!! It was good food, but even better, I love being there with our good friends! I love how we all get along, which I think is unique :)

Sunday - Today we headed up to Oroville for a special Girl Scout celebration of 100 years! It was fun, and I love that my co-leader and I get along so well :) We drove up together, and we planned out what we are going to do for World Thinking Day which is this next Wednesday!!


A backlog of thanks

Friday- Read Across America Day!!!!!!!!!!! This was so much fun :) I totally dressed all wild and crazy, and I wore two tutus! That's right, not one, but two!!! WAHOO :) So, cutest thing, I had a little kid at the elementary school ask me if I was Dr. Seuss's wife, which I took as a COMPLETE compliment :)) I took the NHS kids down to the elementary school, and we had so much fun, reading with the kids, eating lunch with the kids, playing at recess with the kids (watching my big high school kids jump rope and play dodge ball was a BLAST!), and how proud my step-daughter is of me :))) That means so much! I can't wait until the day when she is the big kid going with me down to the little kids :))

Saturday - I am so greatful for my honey. We had such an awesome evening Friday night. I love that he is my best friend, and that we have so much fun together.

Sunday - I did some writing. I am thankful for my gift of creativity. I love writing, and I go in bouts of not writing much. I am not talking about my blogging, but rather the novel I am working on, and some poetry.

Monday - I love my Kindle Fire :) Love it! I love all of my applications!! I had thought about buying a new laptop or an i-pad, but I LOVE my Kindle Fire, which does everything I want and need! I never thought I would enjoy reading books on it, as much as I do!! I just finished a book in less than a week.

Tuesday - I signed up my little one for softball--my favorite sport of all-time. This will be her second year, and I can't wait for her to play this year :))

Wednesday- FOR SURE EASY...Our induction ceremony for National Honor Society was tonight. I love this night :) It is such an honor to work with these kids, and see how proud their parents are for them!!



I am thankful for a family dinner out! My little one asked if we could eat out, which we sincerely hardly ever do...

So we went out to El Portal, which is a new Mexican restauarant in our town, which seems to have a plethora of Mexican restaurants. Well, let me tell ya...FABULOUS dinner!! Great food :) Fun place.

We had a fun dinner :)))) I love it when something happens spontaneous, and it's PERFECT!!

Love it! THANKFUL!


Leap Day!

I am thankful for Leap Day! It's just a fun and quirky day with a genuine necessity for our world. I had fun teaching the kiddos about it today; they were all fascinated :)))



Today- Tuesday
I am thankful for EVERYTHING IN MY LIFE! Today Frieda Soury, a Holocaust survivor, came to my 8th grade classes. She is an incredible woman. She is so inspiring, humble, and full of hope and understanding of this world. I am so honored to have met Frieda, and this is the second time she came to my class. I feel so fortunate. I am so proud that my kiddos met her! Their questions were so honest and thoughtful. YUP, days like these, I LOVE BEING A TEACHER!!! I laughed. I cried. My heart felt the love in the room. WOW!

I did ask her what she was most thankful for, and she said: "My health. I don't think I am doing too bad for 83. I am thankful to be alive, and sometimes I feel sad because I don't know why I am. I am happy that I have had a good life with good family." Later she also told the kids that she has always appreciated clean sheets, warm water, food, and a bed, since she did live without for so long.

FOREVER thankful, I am.


Monday - I am thankful for my Girl Scout troop, and my co-leader! We had such a great meeting on Monday! It's such a rewarding gig :)) I appreciate that I get the chance to work with these people!



I recently have read TWO articles about people who are more positive and the direct corelation to their weight loss efforts! It does make sense :)

I am thankful! I am thankful that I have found it easy to find thanks for the great things in my life.

We had our third annual Healthy Heart Event, and it was WELL attended! And, we had TONS of fun :)) And, an added benefit was that I rocked the calorie burn, and am feeling the sore muscles BIG time today!! It's such an honor to be a part of something so positive :))))

That I made a really good decision today! I was irritated with a few things that TRULY are out of my control, and not anything I can change. However, I could easily have made a bad decision like eating something, anything I could find in the house. BUT instead, I went right to the gym, and I ended up having one of THE best runs I have ever had!!! I guess that anger can fuel into something REALLY positive that benefits me in the long run :) And, I really felt better after my run, so I am thankful for making a positive choice and for feeling what can happen when I choose to take of myself!!


Family FUN :)

So,I went and did my workout after school, and my little one plays on her Kindle Fire, and she is totally into watching "indoor tennis" also known to us as racquetball. When I was done working out, I took her in and taught her how to play. She had a blast, which meant I had a blast :)) We did laugh a lot. At the end she told me, "That's an awesome workout! So much fun!!" And, she even told me that she wants to have her birthday party there now. We will see. GREAT way to start my weekend off :))))



Thursday -
That I have a really good friend who I can talk to about health :) He is so knowledgable, and so inspiring, and I can talk to him any day!! YEAH!! We had a great talk this morning about protein, carbs, how many calories I shouldbe eating, etc.

I am excited for my cheer season this next year, and we are going to go to a different cheer camp this year at...Great Wolf Lodge!!!! HOW EXCITING!!!!! I realize that my summer is going to be a blast!! SO MANY FUN TRIPS AHEAD FOR ME!!!!


One of the greatest inventions ever: Antibiotics!

SO THANKFUL that my antibiotics are kicking in and that the infection in my tooth is going away! I FEEL SO MUCH BETTER TONIGHT than even this morning!!


Taking care of me, thankful :)

My thankfuls for today are two things related to taking care of myself!
1) I had a massage :) I needed it. MAN, it was so nice, and boy I could feel my sore muscles from lifting.
2) I also talked to my endodontist today, and he thinks I still have an infection in my tooth, and now that it has had a root canal and rubber filled in above it, it has nowhere to go :( SO, he gave me some heavy duty antibiotics, and he hopes it will clear it up, and that I won't have to have surgery in the end. SO, I am thankful for the medicine, and hopeful it will do its job!



I had a great Saturday :)) Lots accomplished and the best part was a birthday party at Breadline!! We are close to the Little Family, and so we are included any many family events, and last night we celebrated Laini and Grammie Marilyn's birthdays!! SO MUCH FUN!!!!!!! We bought Laini a tool set--being practical since she is going off to live on her own in a few months!! And, we bought her a 24-pack of toliet paper!!! TEE HEE--inside joke :) But, it was pretty funny carrying that into the Breadline!!! LOL And, I also got her a super cool water bottle!!

I am thankful for the incredible people I have in my life. LOVE.



I am very thankful that I had a half-day today at school, and that this is a three-day weekend! BOY, oh boy! I really REALLY need this time!!!! I am looking forward to working out these next couple of days, and I am going to try a new workout class tomorrow, so long as I feel OK. And, I have a few little things I would like to focus on, too.


Thursday??? How can it be already Thursday?

So, today as I was driving down to Wenatchee for a root canal, I was thinking about all sorts of things!

FIRST--I was remembering when I commuted DAILY (Monday through Friday) from Leavenworth to Ellensburg to go to college to earn my HS English teaching degree. Those were crazy times! Then on the weekends, I worked up on Stevens Pass, so I was on one of the two major passes in our state seven days a week!! So, today I was feeling thankful that I don't have to commute to work or school or anything. I know how old that gets, and it feels like such a time waster. I did always listen to books on tape, and one full year, I organized an INCREDIBLE car pool, so that was cool because on days I wasn't driving I did lots of homework! BUT, overall--those years of driving, I DO NOT MISS! I then was thinking about when Ricky used to commute over to Twisp every day for work(M-F), and how I am so APPRECIATIVE he doesn't do that anymore either!! MAN...and to top it off, at least back in those days, we were not paying what we pay now for gas!!! I don't envy ANYONE who has a commute!

SECOND--I was thinking about how when Rick and I first started dating, and I was still living in Leavenworth, I would stay the weekend up here, and the boys and I would get up on Monday morning and drive back home before school! That seems so long ago!!! It was 8 years ago...sheesh, time flies when you are dancing your butt off! I feel very thankful that I found a teaching job up here, and that I took the chance to move here. I have such a good life. GOOD FAMILY. GOOD FRIENDS. GOOD JOB. GOOD.


V-Day thanks and the day after!

I feel most thankful for the changes I have made in my life. I have done some momentous things lately.
1) Taking care of me!
2) Choosing to DELETE someone from my life, who is filled with venomously consuming HATRED. Talk about liberty!!! (see #1)
3) Observing behavior in others that I don't want in myself, and have been working hard to not have, and so seeing it in others truly highlights WHY I don't want it in my life at all and why I want to keep working on keeping it at bay!! (see #1)
4) Trying new things :)

SO--for Valentine's Day, I felt lots of reasons to be thankful :)))

I wore a tutu to school!
My step-daughter was so proud of her creative Valentines--she chose them off of Pinterest, and all I did was buy the supplies and supervise!
We had a family V-Day dinner! It was scrumptious and just awesome! Then we played some Wii--all of us :)
AND, I am really proud of Ricky for thinking about what I would want...things related to being healthy and NOT chocolate or flowers (which I don't want on V-Day!!) or a stuffed animal, but instead two packages of expensive workout socks (he knows I hesitate to buy them), and a TURBO blender! I have a great smoothie maker, that makes individual smoothies, but I wanted a blender like they have at the gym :)


2 things 2day :)

I am thankful that the weather WAS SO BEAUTIFUL today :)) I feel like Spring is in the air!!! I was in Chelan for a meeting, and OH MY GOODNESS...sooo beautiful. BRIGHT blue sky :D

And, tonight we are, according to my 9 year-old step-daughter, celebrating Valentine's Eve :)) TOO CUTE! She's totally into it this year. She has always liked it, but this year is something else! First, she told me that she has a Valentine this year--a sweet little boy. So, we have a special outfit for tomorrow, and tonight we are doing her hair in rollers, and we painted her fingers really cute--pink with a silver French manicure.

SO fun and pretty day :))


THANKFUL, indeed!

Thursday- Reading--I love to read! I love it when my students give me ideas of books to read. I VORACIOUSLY consumed The Hunger Games trilogy in a week! Now, I am on book two of the Maze Runner series!! HOLY SMOKES! I am so glad I have a Kindle Fire!!! ***completely, separate comment, I did download ALL of my music from my i-pod onto my Kindle Fire, how cool is that??*** Anyhow, I love that when I finished the first book, I could download the second book right away, and start reading, and not have to wait to get to the library or store!! AWESOME series!!!!

Friday - MY SPINNING class...OH MY GAWSH! It was such a blast!!! And, such cool people in the class :))))) Then it was 80s day, and I loved it when one of my little MS students said, "Oh my gawsh, you look like a high schooler!" It was just a great day! After school we went and sold Girl Scout cookies, which our little one has a goal of selling 200 boxes, and she sold 70 in just two hours :) I am so appreciative of the people who support her! And, boy what a difference in her...she used to be so shy! Then we went home and had our Family Friday Night!!! LOVE PLAYING board games with her :) Yahtzee is our favorite!

Saturday--I am thankful for friend time! We went to the crab feed with our best friends, and we had SOOOOO much fun :)) The food was fabulous, and the friendship is SPECTACULAR :)) We made some exciting summer travel plans!

TRULY the highlight of my night: After watching THE cutest couple dancing all night--the gentleman is 77. They stopped at our table to say hi to Ricky, and I said, "You guys are awesome!" Clyde said, "Well, when you have been dancing with your partner as long as we have been, you just dance right." I LOVE IT!!!! What a sweetheart :))

Sunday--I am thankful for family time! I love all of the time we spend together :) Today we went to the movie, and we just always have so much fun together! Then when we came home we finished our valentines which was a blast! My favorite part of that...when my step-daughter said, "I'm pretty sure these will be the cutest valentines at school!"


Full of thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am so thankful for working with AWESOME kiddos!! I had one of THE best crews ever to run concessions at the b-ball game :) YEAH!! We made some money, had some fun, and it was just a good evening--though tiring--overall!

OH MY GAWSH! I am so thankful that I didn't get sick!! HOLY CATS! There was a crazy gastro infection that 19 different cheer squads came down with from the State Cheer event at Everett Comcast Arena. I FEEL SO LUCKY that we didn't get whatever it is. I had to fill out a survey and talk to the Department of Health and WIAA. CRAZY!!! SO GLAD, SO GLAD, SO GLAD!!! Appreciative that we are all healthy. Apparently some girls even had to go to the hospital!!! UGH. PHEW!!!



Today I am thankful for working out at the fitness club!! I forgot how much I like being there :) It was fun, and I saw lots of friends :))))) YEAH!


Been busy, but still thankful!


WED -We went to see Styx in Wenatchee. I was a little suspect, if they would be that good or not, but HOLY smokes, they rocked the house :)))) And, I didn't know the opening band, who happened to be a local one--Linus and Lucy. THEY WERE AWESOME!

Thurs- LOTS of things for which I am thankful today!! GONNA have to write a list for this day:
1) My step-daughter ROCKED her report card :) SO proud of her and that she can see how our hard work pays off, especially the extra credit!
2) I got my hair done finally! I had to change appointments twice, so it was VERY overdue, and I am thankful to have the gray gone...makes me feel like a new woman :)
3) I bought my tickets to Vegas, which I am headed down there at Spring Break. I am so excited :))) I am thankful to have the week off, and to be able to spend it with my family :)
4) My step-daughter made the paper (again)!!! She ran a lemonade stand with one of her little buddies this summer. They donated the money to the local hospital. SO sweet :)

Fri -I went to a friend's funeral. I really cared deeply for Marge, and I was thankful that she was in my life!!! She is one of the VERY first people I met when I moved here! What an incredibly STRONG and exceptional woman, so inspiring.

Sat-SOOOOO thankful for a trip out of town to Everett and Seattle! I had such a blast :) We went to STATE cheer--watching one of our girls perform as an All-American!! And, some AMAZING schools which inspired us to compete as a team next year!!! We went to the Seattle Center, and let me tell ya the SPACE needle was GORGEOUS :) And, we hit up Pike Place Market,the gum wall, and even down to the waterfront. SOOOOO many laughs, and such a fun girl time!! It was nice to escape, and the weather was LOVELY :) I am thankful for the getaway.

Today was an awesome drive home from the other side of the mountains, and then off to our best friends to watch the Super Bowl, like we do EVERY year. Good times, lots of fun with a group of our VERY good friends! I am thankful for that time!

THERE ya have it! SO much in my life that makes me thankful.



I am thankful that today after school we packed up everything related to the play. Everything is organized, and all done! We have everything put away, and cleaned. LOVE IT! It's a tad bittersweet because I am sad that it's over, but glad that it's done. LOL!


Love Girl Scouts!

I am a Girl Scout leader for my step-daughter's troop, and I LOVE IT! I love my co-leader :)) I love the girls!! We have so much fun!! We are currently working on our theater badge and cookie connection badge. YUP, we are going to be selling cookies soon...SO MUCH FUN, and so yummy!!

It's so rewarding to feel like the cycle has completed, in that way back when I was a Brownie and GS, and now I am a GS leader, COOL!


Sheesh 6 days of thanks...almost a week! LOTS of LOVE

January 24, Tuesday-- So thankful and feels so good to be ready for our show, and not at all stressed! This play is THE most prepared show I have ever worked with!!! SO THANKFUL for the incredible kids :)

January 25, Wednesday--We had a FABULOUS invitation-only audience to our play for a dress rehearsal! WOW!! It really means so much to me and the kids when so many people come out to support us!

January 26, Thursday--I had absolutely NO voice. My throat hurt bad. I didn't get up to do my aerobics :( I was sad about that, but I needed the sleep, and I knew I needed it. I went to school, and I wasn't able to even talk at all. I had to type everything up on big screen for the kids to read, and I chose one kid to be my voice. OH MY GAWSH...the kids were AMAZING and wonderful and so thoughtful about me and how I felt. They just wanted me to feel better. They were so well behaved and caring. It just about brought tears to my eyes. It's those moments that make me feel the REAL reason I am a teacher. WOW.

January 27, Friday--I felt better, and good enough to even do my aerobics in the morning. Thankful to be improving! Also, my step-daughter gave me the best hug when she came in after school. Then after the show later in the night, she told me how proud she was of me of the play. THAT'S what being a mama is all about...when your kids get it and love you for who you are :)

January 28, Saturday--We had a fabulous run for our play!!! Most audience members in a LONG time! We had a blast at the cast party :) I am so proud of all the kids, and as always feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with kids. I can't believe how lucky I am to be there to watch kids grow and blossom and REALIZE their potential and talents!

January 29, Sunday-- Today, it's EASY! I am thankful for a much needed day of rest!



Today was a long day, and I am trying to get sick. I can feel the tickle in my throat. I am trying really hard to kick it before it happens!!

Anyhoooooot...I ended my day with a massage! And, then came home and found dinner ready! I love my honey :D


Triple THANKS :)

I am thankful today for saving 45% on my groceries yesterday! That's my highest percentage, and I am pretty dang proud of it! I do need to get a bigger coupon set-up!!! I have so many coupons, so I need to go with the binder, and get them a little more organized than what I have going on right now, which is still pretty organized.

I am thankful that I went out and did some cross-country skiing on our property. I made my own track, and it ROCKEd!

I am thankful that I filed my taxes :) Yeah! I am excited to use my tax refund for a BIG surprise!!



Today I am thankful for my oldest step-daughter's birthday!!! She is 31 :) (That's 9 years younger than me, for those who are counting.) I am very fortunate, as we have always had a good relationship from the get-go! I also get along with her mama, which is SUCH A NICE THING!!! I am thankful that she was born 31 years ago!! I am really proud of all she is accomplishing right now, and the direction in which her life is going. She is such a good mama herself. I am thankful for the relationship I have with her :) Happy birthday Miss Nicole!!

Two more thankful posts!

Thankful that Rawsons is having a sock sale, because I LOVE wool socks, but they are expensive, and I feel guilty buying them, but when they are on sale where you buy three and get one free, I felt like I could do it! YEAH. And, I also got my bras that I ordered in the mail. Two of them, I don't like, but I will just return them. However, my sports bra was perfect! YEAH!

Is it OK to be thankful for Friday? It must be, considering we even have a TGIF saying, right? Well, I was definitely thankful it was Friday, and it was a good one at that!!! For class we were back in my classroom, which feels more routine and back to normal! We had been in the computer lab, for the kiddos to research, but that means me leaving out of a box! So, it's nice when we touch down back at home :)

Then we had all the PRETTY snow :) I am thankful that I have outside windows in my classroom;YES, there are some teachers who do not :( And, when I was in the computer lab, it's completely enclosed, so no windows. YEAH, again for being back in my classroom to watch the snow!

We went out delivering flyers for our show, and it was a blast! My drama kids are so much fun, and I REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate the incredible parents I have, who volunteered to drive :) I know I have blogged about it a zillion times before, but I feel so thankful for my job!!!! And, that I LOVE my job!

Then coming home Friday night...even though our little squirt is gone--which can make Fridays tough, since it's our transition day--I love our Friday nights! They are better when the little one is home, but I still snuggled with my honey, and we had yummy dinner and watched our shows :) We love Flying Wild and Gold Rush! Thank goodness for NAT GEO!!!!!


Thankful Tuesday AND Wednesday!

I fell asleep last night at 8 p.m., so I didn't get around to's a 2-for-1!

Even though Tuesday was somewhat of a BLAH day…I was VERY thankful that it was my best friend’s birthday!! I am so thankful she was born and that she is in my life!! I did all sorts of special things to show her just how thankful I am that she was born :)))

I have been trying to see bad stuff in good ways. So, today I have two things for which I am thankful.

First, I have drama kids—who are leads—who are also in Knowledge Bowl, which does pose some conflicts, but in the end, we always work it out. Well, today they have a KB match, which means they can’t be at rehearsal at all. SO in the end, I decided to go out and plaster the town with our flyers for the show. SO, something that could’ve really had a negative impact, I was able to turn it around into something positive. Though it will be crazy distributing flyers in all of this snow, we will make it happen, and safely so, since we have adults driving! YEAH parents!

The second thing for which I am thankful l today is…the SNOW! I love it. It’s so beautiful, and we haven’t had any, and I know how important it is for our fire season, and I want to cross-country ski, and now I can do it in my own field even. I hope it stays for a bit, so in a couple of weeks when the play is over I can take our little one sledding and skiing up on the local ski mountain. As well, I know how badly they need the snow to open, which means jobs for many local people!!


Thankful for another thespian in the family!

Thankful for my love of theater, and being the director of the play, which this year my step-daughter, who is nine, begged to be in the show. She hasfour parts!! Even with some lines!! It's such a joy to watch her, and see how confident she is becoming. She acts like she owns the stage, which she has been hanging around it for four years, since she was 5!! It's pretty cool :) I am very thankful to see this little budding thespian :)


VERY thankful :)

I have a lot for which to be thankful today :) It was a day filled with many accomplishments, and TONS crossed off the to do lists!

BUT, what I am REALLY thankful for, more than anything else...Ricky told me today how proud he is of me for how well I have done with my eating and exercising. He has told me that a couple of times through this journey, but for some reason, today just hit me right smack in the middle of my heart. LOVE THAT GUY SO MUCH!



THANK YOU for everything in this day :)

I had one of the best days I have had!! It was a blast. I picked up my Mama and baby sis--they live in Vegas. That was definitely the highlight :)

I received LOTS of compliments on my weight loss today, which just keeps me inspired and motivated!

I accomplished lots of things that will make life easier in the next three weeks.

SIGH...Love days like this!!


Friday FAMILY Fun :)

Our little one spends one week with us, and one week with her mom. Our transition day is Friday, so the Friday like today that she comes home MAKES ME SO HAPPY AND THANKFUL :)))) I loved it when she bopped into my classroom with a big smile and gave me a BEAR hug!!

With the exception of football season, we spend our Friday transition as a time to reconnect. We always have whatever family dinner she wants--tonight her choice was tatertot casserole, but I told her I was kinda in the mood to not cook, WHICH IS A BIG TREAT, so she chose Papa Murphy's pizza. We ate pizza, went up to grandma's for a bit, played some Yahtzee(on the board game, not Wii), and snuggled watching a movie!



Thankful Thursday :)

Thankful that my new nephew was born healthy and beautiful today!! Welcome to this world Ryder! And, today is my little brother's b-day!! What a present :)


Thanks for being REAL!

Today I am thankful for the people in my life who are REAL! Since I do know of a few VERY fake people, I decided to not give them my energy, but instead look to the positive.

At school today we had the Rachel's Challenge program. Let me just tell was real! And, I saw fellow employees and our students being VERY real. WOW! What a day :) I accept Rachel's Challenge...can you?


Thankful Tuesday!

Today I am thankful for the incredible helpers in my life! That's right...I am a busy girl, but I have tons of people along the way to help me :) And, I so appreciate that! For example, I have excellent TAs, who do lots of little projects for me throughout the day! I have killer parents in every group with which I am involved: Yearbook, Drama, National Honor Society, Cheer! I just feel REALLY lucky and fortunate to have people in my life who will make it easier!! As well, I am proud of myself for learning to 1) delegate and 2) ask for help :)



This evening I had a massage. I go twice a month. AND, I AM VERY THANKFUL FOR MY APPOINTMENT TONIGHT!!!!!!!!!!


I owe some posts!

It has been a whirlwhind weekend, extrememly busy! I really haven't had time until today to get these posts updated, but, mind you...I am always thinking about what I am thankful for, and I notice that I find myself thinking about appreciation more and more. I guess it really is a mindset :)

Friday- 2 days ago...feels like a month ago, LOL! I was VERY thankful for a sweet little note my step-daughter left behind for me :)) She's such a doll! And, I find notes in unexpected places all the time!! It made my day!!

Saturday- Yesterday I was thankful for the incredible crew I have in my play! We have awesome supportive parents, too. We got our set constructed and painted, props gathered and organized, and costumes created! I LOVE it! It was just a very productive day, and a couple of times I stood back and watched the 25+ people and loved their energy and positivity!! We also finished 2 hours earlier than I had planned!!! Gotta love that :)

Sunday - Today I am thankful for the opportunity to sleep in! I didn't get up until 10:30, and it was heavenly :) Granted we were up until 2 a.m., which seems much harder as I get older and older, LOL!!



I am thankful for the play that my group is doing! I am directing James and the Giant Peach, and it is just AMAZING!!! The kids are so talented :) I can't wait until our performances at the end of this month. I feel so lucky to have a job that I get to watch STARS shine!!! We laugh at every practice!!! And, I mean belly laugh!! Then this year is even better because my step-daughter asked to be in the show, and she's in it!! She rocks, too :))) AWESOME


I feel pretty, oh so pretty!

I am thankful for feeling pretty today :) I had a new Christmas shirt, and a BEAUTIFUL new necklace that someone special made for me. I received MANY compliments today, too :))


Tuesday full of thanks!

I am thankful that I have THE best step-daughter on the planet :) We often cook together, and today we did make dinner, and then we organized and cleaned the kitchen afterwards, something I normally do by myself. Usually I am doing that while she unsets the table, but today we just did it all together! She was so joyous about it! Pretty dang lucky, and very very very thankful ♥



It has been an awesome break!! I am thankful for having a job where I get two weeks off :)) So, I am definitely thankful for being a teacher!!

Also, we had a blast today at our Girl Scouts meeting! The girls went sledding, and Pam, my co-leader, and I were able to plan out the rest of our year!! WOO hoo :) Thankful for that, too!


Saturday and Sunday's thanks!

I had THE best New Year's :)))) So much fun! We were with family and friends and we went bowling!! GOOD TIMES! I can see a new tradition starting!!

Today, I am thankful for creativity! I love the moment of inspiration, when you feel the light SHINING bright!!

OH, and P.S. I am VERY thankful I don't have to work tomorrow!!