

I had a splendid weekend :)

We had the mini-cheer camp on Friday, and I was running concessions with my National Honor Society group. We also had our Duct Tape Dollars, in particular, Money for Marty. We were raising money for Marty Staggs (recently diagnosed with cancer). I LOVE OUR COMMUNITY!!! We raised $451.60 in ten minutes. It was super cool how the Cascade people were also very generous :)

Then Saturday we had set work. All of our flats are up, now we just have to paint and collect our props! I love how everything starts coming together. A lot of work, but a big pay-off in the end.

Ricky and I decided to hit up some movies this weekend. We calculated that if we went to one movie at night time, admission would be $15.00, but if we went to two movies at matinee time, that's only $20.00. SO, we watched True Grit on Saturday and The Dilemna on Sunday. I liked True Grit. I am a Duke fan, but I liked this version, too, and glad it was a little different. The Dilemna was good, too. Funny and serious, a lot like The Breakup. On our way home, Ricky and I talked about who we would tell in the situation Vince was in. I'm just glad it's a dilemna I don't have to deal with!

Also, today I went for a nice long walk down and up Robinson Canyon. It was awesome! I really was sweating :) The weather was great; I love the fresh air and the blue skies. I am also truly in love with my i-pod! It makes exercising so much more easy. I was singing and even dancing along the way. I'm sure I was quite the sight :)

I finished reading Uglies, and started the second book in the series, Pretties. I accomplished a few things on my to do list, too. So, all in all, it was a good weekend!! Hope your weekend was splendid, too! KISS

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