
Weekend Wrap-up

     It was a good weekend, and thankfully it's a longer one with Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. It was busy, but relaxing at the same time...I know, I know, OXYMORON!
     Saturday we went ice skating up in Winthrop, which was a blast! Make sure you call ahead because warm days will close it down. We really didn't think we were going to get to go, since it was 40 degrees, but in the end, the rink held out! I forgot how much I LOVE to ice skate, and I am so thankful I didn't fall!!
     Then Sunday, I decided to go for a long walk! I went over 4 miles, and it was great weather. I feel so alive when I am out there walking and enjoying the sunshine.
     Of course, it was serendipitous that I happened to walk a different route that I ended up walking by a storage unit place that is close to our house. I didn't even know it was there!
     So, that brings me to another part of making my life follow along the simplicity road. I did spend some time packing, moving, and unpacking stuff from my house up to Rick's.
     I will be so glad when that is all finished. Things happened to fall into place, and someone will be moving into my place in February, which really makes my life simpler, as I had a lease until April.
     But, my oh my, I DETEST moving. THOUGH, with this direction in life, I am definitely going to part with some things, and I am not keeping storage longer than June.
     The plan is to keep working on Rick's house (when it's ready and done, I will feel like it's "our" house), and then have a huge yard sale between some of his junk and my (and, my parents) stuff soon to be in storage.
     That's the plan! And, it feels good to have it. What a nice way to end my thirties!

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