
Making My Moxie MOVE

     You know how people often say, if they could just bottle a kid's energy? Seriously, I would love to store a bunch of my moxie! Sort of like a solar power system storing up energy for later.
     Sometimes finding inspiring people can give you that little extra moxie when you need it. Like when I was walking up Robinson Canyon yesterday, and I just wanted to stop and take a breather (literally), and instead I imagined myself on the Biggest Loser show, with the trainer yelling at me that I could do it. No break for me, I made it all the way up and kept on moving, even increasing my speed once I hit the flats.
     I recently read this article! I love reading about women who inspire me to be better!
     I have recently been watching I Used to be Fat on MTV, which highlights young people who spend a summer and lose big time!! You really see their moxie shine through!!!!!
     I know that losing weight will make my life less BIG. It does simplify things!! Not to mention, that it increases one's moxie! RIGHT?!
     I just feel so full of energy! THIS is going to be a good week I am making life lighter both in weight and in packing up my house! Look out, I'm revving up! KISS!!!

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