
TRULY Thankful

I haven't been feeling well this week. I woke up Sunday unable to turn my neck the whole way, and then by Tuesday it was crazy swollen. I did go to the chiro, and felt better yesterday. I had a massage last night, and I was feeling like I was definitely on the upswing. This morning I woke up early and really sick, light-headed, dizzy, nauseated. I even tossed my cookies.

I went to school, bound and determined. But, after getting sick there, too, I knew I would have to go home. I was able to get a GREAT sub on short notice (LUCKY)! And, I quickly wrote up sub plans, and left feeling very guilty, as I had several things I had to do today!

I rescheduled one thing, but I really didn't want to have to cancel drama practice. Thankfully one of my co-workers agreed to supervise, so that's covered!

I am thankful for the fact that I have a zillion sick hours and don't have to worry about being off when I really need to be. I am thankful that my principal is so caring and concerned. I am thankful that I had a SUPER sub today. I am thankful that our secretary did some extra favors for me to help me feel less guilty and stressed about going home. I am thankful that my co-worker was willing to cover my drama practice!! I am thankful that I came home and slept for hours. I am thankful that I feel better now (though still dizzy and my neck is still swollen). I am thankful that tomorrow I have another chiro appt.

I am thankful that I had the energy to write this thankful blog!! This morning I felt so terrible that I figured I would be skipping it today!!! KISS

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