
I love birthdays!

     This weekend we had our little one's friend birthday party. We did the whole bowling thing!
     It was a blast! We had nine little bowlers (and, some older siblings and parents). Fun times!
     I used my friend's idea to make sure I had something for the little ones to do while they waited for their turn to bowl.
     Thank goodness for the $1 store! I bought coloring books, and the kids thought they were pretty cool to have their own books. What an easy party favor and something definitely to keep them occupied.
     We also brought out an idea that I did with both of my boys when they were little. I bought them all shirts (again, thanks for the $1 store), and they each decorated them!
     I took adorable pics fo all of them together in their creations.
     All in all, it was a fun time. I enjoyed seeing my big step-daughter, who is due with our first grandson in just weeks.
     We still have lots of birthday business ahead of us! First off, Cody turns 19 on Tuesday, and I am bummed because it will be the first time that I will not see him on his birthday. I guess I need to get used to that; it's called our kids growing up. SIGH.
     And, of course, our little one's real birthday is next week, and the day after her birthday is Rick's! Woo hoo!
     I think birthdays are a big deal. I love to make people feel very special to be alive! It really is a celebration!!!

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