
Wanting to write my novel

     Some people know about my aspirations to write a novel. Well, really I want to write many novels!! I have two in the works and ideas for several others.
     I have actually worked out three full chapters on one of the novels (over 10,000 words), and I have only ever shared it with two people, who like to read the genre of my attempt at this novel, and they both loved it.
     I did that writing a couple of summers ago, and then I haven’t found myself returning to it, but I do think about it every now and again.
     Well, recently I met a local teacher who just published her first book, somewhat similar in genre to mine. It definitely made me start thinking about what I really want to do in life.
     Then, my friend who read the start of my book has just started recently planting the idea in my head that she really wants to know what happens in my story.
     I am seriously considering starting up again. I even went and read what I have already last night. And, as I did, I could feel the tingle of excitement to return to this dream. I know I can do it. I just have to make the time.
     I probably should go back and read Stephen King’s On Writing because every time I do read that or even parts of it, I find myself inspired to write again.
     I feel it coming…

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