
Diesel Profiling

     So, I was driving back with a friend from Chelan on Thursday. You will NEVER believe what happened!
     As we were passing the airport, a suburban in front of us suddenly slammed on its breaks and veered off to the shoulder. Bizarre.
     After a bit, it pulled back onto the road behind us. We reached the junction to hit the highway and started off towards home.
     I glanced over as my friend set his cruise control to 65, and then all of a sudden we see flashing lights and are being pulled over!
     Out of the passenger side of the suburban a Washington State Trooper jumps out. He's wearing the traditional light blue WSP trooper uniform.      I think it's kind of strange that there are two guys pulling us over, and wonder if maybe the other guy is in training, so I watch the driver in my mirror.
     I notice him putting on rubber gloves, which TOTALLY creeps me out. (I am starting to think I might call *77, which I heard is a trace to find out when you are pulled over by an unmarked vehicle to verify if it is a cop or not, and I don't even know if *77 is an urban legend or not...I did it after I got home, but it in fact is NOT true, so it wouldn't have helped in our situation, and now that I think of it, we were just in that spot of no cell service, so if we were going to be dismembered by the glove wearing cop, that's what was going to happen! I obviously watch WAY too many scary horror shows!!!)
     Meanwhile the trooper tells us he clocked us at 70. Hmmm... So my friend is asked to hand over his license and registration.
     Then the trooper says, "We are also testing diesel vehicles in the area to see if they are running off-road diesel, do you mind?"
     At first I thought my friend was going to tell the cop no way (and, you can tell them NO that they have to get a search warrant), but he told them to go ahead.
     At this time the trooper nods to the driver, and the driver gets out wearing his gloves and the dark, dark blue uniform (the one that the guys that work at the semi-truck weigh scales wears) and he walks up to the rig and with a big straw looking thing.
     The other trooper goes back to the suburban, and I watch him to see if he types anything in or calls us in, and he just sits there. MAYBE he had a voice activated service, but I didn't see his lips move, so maybe he was also a ventriloquist.
     Once the glove wearing cop tested the diesel, he headed back to his rig, and the other cop (not sure if he is the good cop or bad cop in the scenario) walks up, hands my friend his paperwork, and tells him to slow down next time.
     TOTALLY, that was all about diesel profiling! I am not making light of people who are profiled because of the color of their skin, honest. I think it's total BS for anyone to be pulled over that is not breaking the law (OK, my friend was going 4 or 5 miles over the speed limit, so technically he was breaking the law, but WHATEVER).
     I realize with the high cost of gas (diesel is over $4 a gallon now), that some people are resorting to using the off-road diesel, and that stuff is NOT good for mass consumption by any means.
     SO, Okanogan County doesn't racially profile their drivers (which if someone told me that had experienced it, I would TOTALLY believe them), it's all about the diesel. I must live in Redneck Country.

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