
Cute kid stories!!

     I love kids! And, I love writing their adorable stories down. I have many from when my boys were younger, and I love bringing out their journals and baby books to re-discover all of those special moments.
     My step-daughter has a best friend named Jakey. They are so stinking cute together! Recently this story was shared with me.
     Jakey's mom bought new pillows for the family. Jakey was commenting on how much he loved his new pillow, and his dad asked him why, to which he replied, "Because it doesn't have any bad dreams in it." I just LOVE that!! How adorable, a pillow as a dream catcher.
     Then he continued his story telling his dad, "And, last night, I had a dream that Sarah kissed me, and I liked it!" You just have to see this little 5-year-old boy to know how absolutely cute that is!
     Another Jakey and Sarah story: They both ride a bus to their one school from their morning school. One day Jakey came flying into the school, slamming the door, and crying, "Sarah ruined my life!" To this the teachers asked, "What do you mean? How did she do that?" Jakey answered, "The whole way here from school she didn't talk to me at all, and she talked to Josh instead. The whole way!And, that just RUINED my life!" LOL
     Just the other night, we were all hanging out watching tv, and it was time for Sarah to go to bed. Teeth brushed, PJs on, toys put away, books read, drink drank, potty done, and off to bed she goes.
     Feeling a little left out as Rick, Jordan, and I sat in the livingroom watching American Idol, we would hear little questions and comments from the bedroom.
     I need to go potty. I need a drink. Turbo (our Chihuahua that sleeps with her) is bothering me. Where's my special book? Finally, we told her it was time for her to go to sleep, and that everything was fine, no more worries.
     To this she was quiet. We figured she had fallen asleep, and then about 15 minutes later we hear, "Hey, guys? I need to go outside and look at the Milky Way, OK?" Of course, we are cracking up to this and I say, "We will look on another night, remember we looked at the eclipse tonight, so next time we will look at the Milky Way."
     It's quiet for about five minutes, and then she says, "But, my teacher said it was homework, and it's OK for me to get up from bed to look." Too funny!
     Kids are great! They bring such joy to our lives. Isn't it really what it's all about. Happiness, indeed.

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