
The definition of FAMILY

     As you can tell by the two quotations to the left, I have been thinking lots about family lately.
     Certainly the definition of family has evolved throughout the years. A family in the fifties can be different in composition than that of one today.
     When I think about family, I think about all sorts of things. Who is family? Just the people that we call family, with whom we were born into relationships?
     Why does it seem like every family has a black sheep? And, does that black sheep choose to be outside of the family OR does that family member feel like they have been ostracized? How do we become the roles and labels that families have?
     As well, I often think about blended families given my own personal experiences. I am both a bio-mom and a step-mom, and my boys have both a bio-mom and step-mom. So, technically, I deal with all sets of extra hands :)
     Family to me: The people that love you unconditionally. The people who will tell you that you made a mistake, but help you figure out how to fix it. The people who might be disappointed, but will never give up on you. The people who find the good you have to offer this world and help you magnify it. The people who will always place what's best for you at the forefront. The people who CHOOSE to love you.
     To me...those are the people who are your family. Maybe they are your blood-relatives, and maybe they are not.
     I will continue this conversation later. I really want to delve into the world of being a step-parent both from my perspective as one, and as a bio-mom dealing with one.

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