
A backlog of thanks

Friday- Read Across America Day!!!!!!!!!!! This was so much fun :) I totally dressed all wild and crazy, and I wore two tutus! That's right, not one, but two!!! WAHOO :) So, cutest thing, I had a little kid at the elementary school ask me if I was Dr. Seuss's wife, which I took as a COMPLETE compliment :)) I took the NHS kids down to the elementary school, and we had so much fun, reading with the kids, eating lunch with the kids, playing at recess with the kids (watching my big high school kids jump rope and play dodge ball was a BLAST!), and how proud my step-daughter is of me :))) That means so much! I can't wait until the day when she is the big kid going with me down to the little kids :))

Saturday - I am so greatful for my honey. We had such an awesome evening Friday night. I love that he is my best friend, and that we have so much fun together.

Sunday - I did some writing. I am thankful for my gift of creativity. I love writing, and I go in bouts of not writing much. I am not talking about my blogging, but rather the novel I am working on, and some poetry.

Monday - I love my Kindle Fire :) Love it! I love all of my applications!! I had thought about buying a new laptop or an i-pad, but I LOVE my Kindle Fire, which does everything I want and need! I never thought I would enjoy reading books on it, as much as I do!! I just finished a book in less than a week.

Tuesday - I signed up my little one for softball--my favorite sport of all-time. This will be her second year, and I can't wait for her to play this year :))

Wednesday- FOR SURE EASY...Our induction ceremony for National Honor Society was tonight. I love this night :) It is such an honor to work with these kids, and see how proud their parents are for them!!

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