
Sheesh 6 days of thanks...almost a week! LOTS of LOVE

January 24, Tuesday-- So thankful and feels so good to be ready for our show, and not at all stressed! This play is THE most prepared show I have ever worked with!!! SO THANKFUL for the incredible kids :)

January 25, Wednesday--We had a FABULOUS invitation-only audience to our play for a dress rehearsal! WOW!! It really means so much to me and the kids when so many people come out to support us!

January 26, Thursday--I had absolutely NO voice. My throat hurt bad. I didn't get up to do my aerobics :( I was sad about that, but I needed the sleep, and I knew I needed it. I went to school, and I wasn't able to even talk at all. I had to type everything up on big screen for the kids to read, and I chose one kid to be my voice. OH MY GAWSH...the kids were AMAZING and wonderful and so thoughtful about me and how I felt. They just wanted me to feel better. They were so well behaved and caring. It just about brought tears to my eyes. It's those moments that make me feel the REAL reason I am a teacher. WOW.

January 27, Friday--I felt better, and good enough to even do my aerobics in the morning. Thankful to be improving! Also, my step-daughter gave me the best hug when she came in after school. Then after the show later in the night, she told me how proud she was of me of the play. THAT'S what being a mama is all about...when your kids get it and love you for who you are :)

January 28, Saturday--We had a fabulous run for our play!!! Most audience members in a LONG time! We had a blast at the cast party :) I am so proud of all the kids, and as always feel so fortunate to have the opportunity to work with kids. I can't believe how lucky I am to be there to watch kids grow and blossom and REALIZE their potential and talents!

January 29, Sunday-- Today, it's EASY! I am thankful for a much needed day of rest!

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