
Ahhhh...the last week of school

     Life is busy (big shock, I know), but I THINK it's winding down.
     I love the last week of school for all sorts of reasons:
1) My birthday almost always happens near the last day of school! It's tomorrow :)
2) I always put on the big WAFFLE breakfast on the last day of school to honor all those kiddos who have summer birthdays. I have been doing this as long as I have been teaching! It's so much fun!! Last year I think I made 250 waffles!!!
3) We do lots of fun end of the year activities. Yesterday my sophomores joined their first grade buddies for their picnic at Alma Park! We had so much fun, and I swear the big kids are even bigger kids-at-heart than the first graders! I loved watching them all play!!!!
4) We pack up a year. We reflect. We celebrate.
5) We have our end of the year BBQ as a staff. I always look forward to this, as we spend time outside of school enjoying each other, and there are TONS of kids who hang out, too!!! (And, the food always rocks!)
6) We make plans to enjoy summer! Swimming, horseback riding, hiking, exercising, losing weight, camping, writing, watching baseball, catching up on movies, sleeping in, reading, cooking, going on girls only trips, vacationing (Disney Land here we come!), all of it :)
7) We re-charge! we come :)

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