
Will summer EVER come?

     What bizare weather! Yesterday at the double header baseball game in Okanogan, we had snow, then intense sunshine, and ended with it windy and cold.
     Our little one is fighting a cold, and I am sure it's related to all of this weather and its fickle changes.
     I just want the warm weather to come and stay.
     On the literally bright side of things, I LOVE the random lupines that have sprung up in my yard, speaking of which we need to mow.
     To make our own brightness in my house, I made the neatest thing on the kitchen door that goes to the cellar.
     I did it to make me smile, and I knew my step-daughter would LOVE it! I made a chalkboard door.
     I painted the door bright yellow, and then in the middle there is a big space that I used that spray-on chalkboard.
     I dedicated it and dated it to my G-pa because I had the stuff for weeks, and the day he passed away I decided to make it.
     My little one loves it. She draws on it, and the last time she played with it, she discovered that she could cover her hands in chalk and then leave little handprints! TOO CUTE!
     Every time I walk into the kitchen I just smile and feel warm inside. I will upload a pic later!
     Speaking of our little one, she has been so much fun searching for frogs! We can hear them all around, and so we go frog hunting, and it cracks me up!
     Bring on the sun, bring on the flowers, bring on the frogs, bring it all on!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Teehehee...How did you find me? I can't believe you were the first Starbuck's customer! OK, I'm glad to have another blog to add to my rounds.