Happy Earth Day! We have been celebrating this day for just a little longer than I have been around!
It all started back in 1970 with Senator Gaylord Nelson. He realized what a need we had on a bigger level to save our planet.
What's strange to me is that really I don't remember much about Earth Day or environmental issues as I was growing up.
In my house we did recycle cans, and my parents made us turn everything off when we weren't using it, but I always thought that was more about money than about Earth.
I am glad to see that more and more people are becoming conscientious about planet issues.
When I was in college I took an environmental science class that blew me away. I learned way more than I wanted, mostly because I felt helpless in fixing the issues/problems.
I love the Fox Network's slogan, Green it, Mean it. They have some good tips and information at their site: http://www.fox.com/earthday/.
It makes me think about how we have Thanksgiving once a year, how we think about all the things for which we are thankful, and how I actually serve Thanksgiving dinner at least twice a year and sometimes three or four times, with all the trimmings and family!
Thanksgiving is a day to remind us that every day we should be thankful, as is Earth Day in my opinion.
If you have noticed, Wal*Mart has some great commercials on lately about what to buy and if all 5 gazillion of us Wal*Mart customers did...and their slogan is Save Money. Live Better.
Another ad on lately often using bi-partisan speakers, the We Solve It organization is also looking to find more people to get involved and help become the solution. Their site is www.wecansolveit.org.
I watched a great show Human Footprint on one of my favorite tv channels, National Geographic. Thankfully, you can also learn all about it on their site at http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/channel/human-footprint/.
What I like about this site is that you can actually figure out your carbon footprint. Try the little test. In addition, they give you all sorts of recyling ideas.
To close, I am going to talk about things I do, some I have for a long time, others are new in my life. This week I am recycling plastic bottles at our school. I always recycle paper at school, and I even use one-sided paper over (using the free backside). I recycle newspapers. I give people my magazines that I buy, and often books, too. I walk to work every other week. I turn off my computer each night. I changed my lightbulbs to the energy efficient ones (you can buy them REALLY cheaply at the PUD). I turn off the water when I brush my teeth.
I know I could do lots more, and I am going to start thinking more seriously about it. Also, I WISH we had more access to recycling here in our little valley.
Happy Earth Day to you!
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