

     Another day, another blog. Could it be? I am on a roll?!

     So excited!!! One of my good friends is heading up the super cool Vintage Faire this Saturday!!! Be sure to check out their website! I can’t wait to go, and though Saturday is going to be a nutso busy day, and a bit of an emotional roller coaster, I think it will be INSPIRING. I even have a handful of friends who are vendors. YEAH, for something like this coming to our community! GOOD JOB ladies!!

     This week I feel good that I have kept everything together, and I haven’t forgotten anything. Those that know me, of course, can confirm that I am a busy lady, usually by choice! That’s right, if I was a doctor, you better bet that I would be TRAUMA ER all the way! Somehow this week became extraordinarily booked up. Every day had at least TWO extra things happening, and sometimes even more than that!

     Zippity, zip. I am really looking forward to Sunday because life will resume to our normal pace, which is more of a marathon than a sprint, I’d say. Maybe we will go for a horse ride or else a motorcycle ride, and I plan on simply relaxing, boy howdy, do I need that!!

     Feels so good to be back writing! So, I can’t decide about having two blogs or just combining them and bringing them together as one. I am working out and eating healthy and losing weight, AGAIN. I feel like that should be in my other blog, but then I think it’s sorta silly to have two blogs. I also don’t want to delete the Trisha Weighs In blog because that was my start in this whole blogging business, yep, my blog baby. I guess for now, I will keep them both, but I can’t say with what regularity I will blog both. I could certainly give this blog up to the other one, and keep it the same name, as it’s all about weighing in. Hmmmmm.

     My 40th birthday is now 43 days away! I am so excited for my Vegas trip :) I can’t wait!!!! My parents live down there, as does my little sister, so I have plenty of FREE places to stay. My son and his wife (the best DIL on the planet) are going to come up to Vegas (and, truth be told, will be moving there soon) when I am there, too. And, SP’s (my DIL) birthday is only two days after mine (all the more reason I love her, fellow Gemini). We are going to PARTY like country folk stars, LOL. Seriously, I plan on seeing Bruno Mars on my trip! He’s playing in an intimately quaint little place (less than 2500 people). YAHOO!

     Even though my little sis has a place of her own, she decided to book us a SWANKY place. It happens to be one of her part-time jobs, so she gets a KILLER deal! They have an amazing pool with a LAZY river, too! PERFECT!!!

     I know how to kick my summer off right! I can’t wait!

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