

     Sounds nasty, but it just simply means someone who loves books, and that would be me! So, whatcha been reading? That's a question I am asked often, which I love to tell people, of course!

Books, books, books. I love reading.

     So, what have I been reading lately? Well, I started a Classics Book Club for my 8th grade students. We meet once a week at lunch, and we even had a sleepover where we watched all the movies that matched the books we read!! Our list so far: Lord of the Flies, The Time Machine, Romeo and Juliet, Outsiders. I had already read all the books except The Time Machine (which surprisingly, I really enjoyed, seeing as how I am not much of a science fiction fan). Now we are reading Jane Eyre. OH MY…I hate to admit as an English teacher that I skipped that book, but I did. I think I thought it was too girlie back in the day. It’s so good!!!!! Next up, another book I have yet to read, Pride and Prejudice. (I did start the Zombie version of it once.). Then we are going to read Gone with the Wind (one of my all-time favorite books EVER). I am looking forward to reading it again!! It’s been awhile. We have other books planned for our summer, too, so I will keep you updated.

     Because of this book group, I have decided to challenge myself and read at least 10 classics this summer that I have never read before! I am excited to do this. Now to just decide which 10... Stay tuned for that list :)

     Other books I have read lately
Like Water for Elephants – Great read! And, now, of course, it’s a movie starring the Twilight boy and Reese Witherspoon.

     I also read the Hunger Games series. HOLY guacamole…I did NOT want it to end. Also in production right now to hit our big screens next year.

     I just this past month finished reading a trilogy (The Face on the Milk Carton, Whatever Happened to Janie, and The Voice on the Radio) by Caroline B. Cooney. INTENSE! It snuck up on me, as the first book was kinda slow until about mid-way through. The books are less than 200 pages each, so quick reads alone.

     What a storyline! The books are about a teenage girl, Janie, who sees herself on a milk carton as a missing child. The story then progresses through what she finds out about her kidnapping. And, it’s not what you think. It’s not the kidnap scenario I had in mind, and boy does her life become complicated. The books just push you along, wondering WHAT IF this were to ever happen to me or someone I know. WOW.

     The Uglies series – 4 books total (Scott Westerfield) – Fantastic! Page turners, for sure. I don’t normally like anything remotely science fiction, and really these aren’t so science fiction as they are more realistic future sort of books. Like I could totally see this happening someday. It really made me think about all sorts of things in life. Great characters!! I love that the main character is a girl, Talley, and I could definitely see this as a movie!!!

     I am starting up with an adult book group again. I am happy about this because from my first experience I most definitely tried new books that I would have NEVER picked up on my own, and I absolutely loved them.

     Eat, Pray, and Love was one, Wicked another (which by the way…who is going to see Wicked the musical in May in Spokane??? That’s right! ME!), Three Cups of Tea (one of my fav books of all time), and Animal, Vegetable, Miracle (fascinating and inspiring book).

     This is going to be a mellow group, as we are going to read a book a season. Not too stressful on the commitment. We are going to meet once every three months at probably the Breadline. I will keep you updated! I can’t wait to start reading books others want to read and opening up my horizons!

     Bring on the books. I admit it...I'm a BOOK LOVER!!!

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