
Cue: Whitesnake's "Here I Go Again"

     It has been soooooooooooooooo long. Life has been busy. Busy, but good. Filled to the brim, but not splashing over, thank goodness. This Spring has been especially busy, since we have fiddle lessons, Brownies (of which I am a leader), softball, cheer, and that’s just the extra stuff above and beyond al of our normal responsibilities! And, to think last year, I was following TWO kids around and only a handful of years ago, it was THREE!!! Sometimes I wonder how we do just one now. Ahhhh, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.

     We did have a wonderful family vacation to California over the Spring Break. We did the touristy things like Disney Land, and the Walk of Fame, along with Balboa Park (OHMYGAWSH—one of my most favorite places in this world to be!). We did girlie things like pedis and manis, and family time of eating out, barbequing and watching movies, plus ocean time! I so love being with Cody and his wife SP!! We even met her family and had YUMMY authentic Mexican food.

     I can’t believe there are only FIVE more school Mondays until SUMMER!! I am very excited for summer, as we have lots of fun things in store, as usual :) I HEART SUMMER!

     I have been thinking a lot about life lately. Maybe because the big 40 is only forty something days away. Maybe because I am reading a fabulous book right now : The Teen’s Guide to World Domination and Advice on Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Awesomeness by Josh Shipp.

     Don’t let the title mislead you. Though the target audience is a teen one, I feel that it is totally applicable to any adult. I decided to read it because several of my students were, and they were loving it. I had to see what it was all about. I am so glad I did. WOW, can I identify!!! It’s very inspiring, and it makes me feel are warm and reflective inside. A definite read…

          I recently received an email from a friend. She is someone that I have known FOR a long time, over 20 years. We have that sort of friendship where we can go for a year, or even more, without seeing or talking to each other, and the minute we are together, it’s like we were never a part.

     Anyhow, we were talking about some of my goals in life, and I have one that I had hoped to do by 40, but it looks like it might have to wait a few years. She said to me, "I believe that you will achieve your dream one day my dear, of all the people I know you are the one to accomplish the things you set your mind to."

     It felt good to have that validation, and you know what? It’s true. I look at the things I have accomplished in my life, and I should be proud. I do have some goals that I have not reached yet, but they are still goals so long as I am working towards them and still breathing.

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