
Last Friday of 2011

I am thankful for eating a WARM chocolate chip cookie! I can't remember the last time we baked chocolate chip cookies (just a week ago we had sugar cookies!), and I do love them so :) But, what I love MORE is the time when we are making the dough and making cookies andjust that time spent together :))


Thursday Thanks!

I had a good day :) I had an awesome run this morning in 50 degree weather!! I felt alive :) SO, today's thanks is for the ability to enjoy life!


Thankful times two!

Tuesday - I was very thankful for an AWESOME run! I went out late, and ended up running in the dark and a bit of sprinkly rain, but it was an AMAZING run!! Then after I got home, it started CRAZY snowing! I feel pretty lucky that we have had such a mild winter, and that I have been able to run outside and exercise outside :)

Wednesday- Today I am thankful for the sunshine! It goes with yesterday's thankfulness, too. I love that today was 45 degrees and SUNNY :))) Though I hope that the weather won't be too warm and ruin our ice skating on Friday!!



Saturday- It was our Christmas, and it was PERFECT :)) So, thankful for my beautiful family!

Sunday - We spent playing cards and eating yummy prime rib! Lots of laughs!! And, we went to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie --which I think was even better than the first!

Mon- Today I am thankful for the extra day off with my honey! We went for a drive :))



Today I am thankful that my mommy and daddy brought me up to be an honest person :) After I saved $84, which was 41% of my total order (highest percentage of savings so far), the cashier gave me an extra $50 change, but I gave it back to her, and I didn't even think twice about doing so. The lady behind me in line said, "Just know that good karma will follow you."


Family and Friend time!

I am thankful that we have break, and we can spend it with our family and friends! Today we went bowling and to the new Chipmunk movie! GOOD times :))



Um...let's see, I was having a crazy day. So, at first, I thought it would be hard to find the thankful thing today.

So, here it is:

1) I left my lights on while I waited over 45 minutes (in pain) for my prescription. I am thankful that the battery didn't die!!! PHEW :)
2) I got a prescription!!! Hopefully this means some relief soon!
3) I am thankful that I found a killer deal on a present. I ended up saving over $55 on it!! WOO HOO!!
4) I also found my exact sports bra at Rawson's for only $8 (normally $45).
5) Spending time with my wee one making sugar cookies...brings back such sweet memories of when my oldest were young!


Monday and Tuesday thanks

So, yesterday was a day with a high high and a low low. I am thankful for the time I had cross-country skiing! It was beautiful, and I always feel so alive out in nature!!! Then, when I returned home, we had to put our dog down :( I am thankful that she is out of misery. It was definitely her time, but soooo sad. Consoling our little one was heartbreaking...though we cuddled for a long time and rocked. I am thankful I can be that person for her in her life when she needs it the most :)

Today I am thankful for having girl time!! We had an awesome lunch with Sophie, who is one of my former students, and she used to teach our little one swim lessons! We had such a fun lunch!!! Yeah for the Breadline! And, it just rocked catching up :) Turns out both our little one and Sophie had the same 4th grade teacher, so it was fun listening to them!! We did lots of shopping, and ran some errands. GOOD times today :))



Well...I have several things for which I am thankful today :)) We had a fun family day, and I am thankful for days that we can spend doing things together!

I am also thankful for finding my cross-country ski boots, because I am going with a group of friends tomorrow!! YEAH :)

And, thankful for spending time with friends and making homemade pasta yesterday! We made ravioli, which we ate for dinner tonight with homemade sauce. YUMMY.


Such a gift!

Being a step-parent is hard. Being a step-child is hard. Heck, being a parent and a child is hard, but it can at times be extra-hard when you add in the hyphen of step!

So, for eight years, Ricky and I have been together. My boys were in 7th and 10th grade when we moved up here. And, Rick's daughter had just turned 2. We had been dating for about six months, when the moved happened.

Needless to say, teenage time is tough. Add into the mix a move and a bio dad who was pretty hands-off (absolutely NO conflict, but also pretty apathetic...we made all the plans for the kids to spend time with him; he never initiated), and you end up with some angry little boys. Add to that, a step-dad with VERY LITTLE patience or parenting skills--he's the highway or my way type of parent, and you get a rocky, at best, start.

Life has happened, and we have somehow survived! I never gave up, even when times were tough. And, boy they were tough (I moved out and lived on my own with the boys TWICE). This doesn't even add into the mix the conflict of dealing with another set of step hyphen problems with me as step-mama. (THAT'S an entirely different entry!)

Ricky has grown as a parent, for sure. I am so proud of him :) When my oldest, Cody, graduated and went to the Marines, well, let's just say he realized where Rick was coming from all of those years, rough and tough, but full of love, even if he didn't show it. The two of them have bonded incredibly! They are best of friends now, and have been for almost four years. Cody did apologize to Rick for being an instigator and master deflector--"If I get my mom and Rick fighting, then they will lay off of me." Rick has even said the *L word to Cody :)))

Now, my youngest...that's a different story entirely. Jordie and Rick are so much alike, and OFTEN I felt like they were brothers, squabbling over this or that, and constantly putting me in the middle :( In the end, I truly wondered if they would EVER find their own common ground--even if everyone around them could see it from the beginning.

Jordie is at his second year of college, and he is going to school to be a veterinarian. He is doing incredible at school, and he loves what he is doing! I can tell that Rick is proud of him--even if he won't admit it out loud. The past year has been better between the two of them, offering some hope. I can see Jordan making an effort, and I can see Ricky trying to accept that effort.

Fast forward to this week...Jordie has been home from college, and we have had some awesome family dinners!! LOTS of laughter. You can just see a difference between them. Well, now the two of them are conspiring about my Christmas present. There have been several secretive phone calls, and this morning Jordie came up to get money from Rick. I went outside to give Jordie a hug, and I told him, "I know you guys are conspiring. And, I know I will love whatever it is, but what makes me the HAPPIEST mama on the seeing the two of you in cahoots." Jordie just squeezed me tight and said, "I love you, Mom!"

THERE IT IS...I will take it. I know things won't be perfect, and there will always be frustrations, but I cannot tell you how long this has been coming. My heart is so full right now, I need nothing else.

Truly...this is for what I am thankful today. THANK YOU.


Friday much for which to be thankful.

I am now on Christmas break! WAHOOO...this is a time to focus on family and friends and recharge.

Many of my students gave me incredibly thoughtful gifts. It feels so good to be loved!

We are going to spend time with friends tonight! I love the laughter and love of this time of the year!!

I am THANKFUL indeed!


Thankful Thursday!

Today several of my students gave me Christmas sweet and thoughtful :))

Also, I have been reading my students' memory projects, and I was absolutely bawling this morning! Such tender little hearts, I have in my classroom! And, I feel so honored to have the privilege to read the writings of their hearts!!! WOW!


Two days of thanks!

Yesterday I was thankful for winning a $150 gift certificate for filling out my Get Lit Passport! I am so stoked!!!! I did it for the exercise and the possibility of winning a prize, and I won the BIG one!! Yeah!! I can't decide for sure what I am going to get, but I am considering buying an "expensive" pair of jeans. I have never owned any before, so I might, only I am going to lose more weight, so I don't know if I want to get those jeans just yet...I could buy a smaller pair to be some motivation. We will see!

Today I am totally thankful for having a job where wearing a blue and gold tutu and my Cat in the Hat Converse is TOTALLY cool!! I had a blast today! Yesterday was Pool Party at the North Pole dress-up day. I wore cute shorts, toe socks, flip flops, and a Hawaiian shirt.

Today was Blue and Gold Day! I made a cute tutu, and I LOVE it :) It was fun to wear today!! Plus I wore my Cat in the Hat Converse that I LOVE, too! They even have my name on them.

I also had my hair completely covered with a can of shaving cream at the pep assembly. THIS was interesting. The staff did win for craziest hairdo! Yeah me and Steve.

HOW cool is it that I can have this much fun at my job?!?


I'm so thankful!

I love my hubby so much :) He is such a good man! He makes me thankful for the life we have. Whether it's the little or big things, he makes my life just right!! He is supportive of me, and I am so proud of the changes he has made in life to become a better man. THANKFUL that he is my man!


Thanks 4 the weekend!

Saturday -
I was very thankful for my incredible Cheer Boosters! We had a rockin' Princess Party! It was SO MUCH FUN :) What a fantastic fundraiser! It was the first time we did it, and we have tons of great ideas for next year :))

Sunday -
Today is SO EASY!!!! I am thankful that I now weigh under 200 pounds! I don't have a clue how long it has been since I have been under 200, but I know it's been a LONG time!!! And, I know that I am not sad to be leaving the 200s behind!!!! I will NEVER be in them again, NEVER.


Love my Friday shirt :)

I designed a new Friday shirt this year, and I LOVE IT! I love wearing it, and I am thankful for how many people ask me aobut it, and I can share with them about wearing red on Fridays to support the troops!

It's SNOW secret...

This is my door to my classroom :) I teach 7th and 8th grade English, and my kiddos love my door!! We just finished AMAZING essays about what they love about our school, matching the theme on the door.


Thursday full of thanks!

Today I drove my mother-in-law to Wenatchee for a medical procedure. I really appreciate that when I need help, I can count on my friends! It takes coordinating when I am gone, seeing as how I am always such a busy girl.

One of my best friends kept my step-daughter after school until I could come get her. And, since she has a fourth grader, too, they did their spelling test and practiced math facts!!

And, another good friend of mine, took over drama rehearsal and kept the kiddos today!

I AM TRULY THANKFUL that I have such awesome friends who are always willing to help, if needed :))



I have THE best cheer boosters ever! Tonight we met up to plan out our Princess Party! The girls were a blast, and I LOVE their parents :))) I feel really lucky! I am very thankful!!!

The Princess Party is going to be a BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Thankful Tuesday :)

Today I am thankful for the smell of our Christmas tree. I know that sounds silly, but it smells so good. It's way better than anything in a can! It makes me think of being in the mountains :) LOVE it!


Busy, but lucky!

Today was nuts, and I just felt a little like I was on non-stop go. BUT, when I really think about it...I am so thankful for the incredible opportunities for which my family and I are afforded. There are many people in this world who are not able to do the things we do.

I couldn't even begin to choose what was most fun today...just feeling lucky that we get to do it all :)


Lots of thanks!

Friday- My kids are the best! They are so loving and amazing human beings! I truly feel honored to be their Mama :)) SO, definitely I am thankful for my kids!!!

Saturday- I love being LAZY, and I actually don't do it that often, but Saturday morning was a lazy morning :)) It was a busy afternoon/evening, but I did TOTALLY relax all morning, drinking my coffee, and just being mellow!SO thankful :)

Sunday- I am thankful today for RESULTS. Why? They remind me that all the hard work is worth it!!I was able to buy and wear a cute pair of jeans from the JUNIORS section of the store!! WOO hoo :)))


Thankful Thursday

I AM TOTALLY thankful for my new drama group! We are doing our show at the end of January, and today was our first rehearsal. The kids are AWESOME!!! The show is going to rock. I have never had such a good first rehearsal ever :) LOVE IT!!!

#thx365 on Twitter

Wednesday's Thanks a Day Late!

I did twitter my thanks for yesterday, but I guess I missed blogging it :(

So, I was totally thankful for a co-worker who gave me a bunch of her workout dvds that she doesn't use anymore. I was very excited!! Some of them go with the exercise balls and bands she gave me earlier this summer, which I still love using. I REALLY love the Denise Austin 12 in 12 minutes!

#thx365 on Twitter :)