
THANKFUL, indeed!

Thursday- Reading--I love to read! I love it when my students give me ideas of books to read. I VORACIOUSLY consumed The Hunger Games trilogy in a week! Now, I am on book two of the Maze Runner series!! HOLY SMOKES! I am so glad I have a Kindle Fire!!! ***completely, separate comment, I did download ALL of my music from my i-pod onto my Kindle Fire, how cool is that??*** Anyhow, I love that when I finished the first book, I could download the second book right away, and start reading, and not have to wait to get to the library or store!! AWESOME series!!!!

Friday - MY SPINNING class...OH MY GAWSH! It was such a blast!!! And, such cool people in the class :))))) Then it was 80s day, and I loved it when one of my little MS students said, "Oh my gawsh, you look like a high schooler!" It was just a great day! After school we went and sold Girl Scout cookies, which our little one has a goal of selling 200 boxes, and she sold 70 in just two hours :) I am so appreciative of the people who support her! And, boy what a difference in her...she used to be so shy! Then we went home and had our Family Friday Night!!! LOVE PLAYING board games with her :) Yahtzee is our favorite!

Saturday--I am thankful for friend time! We went to the crab feed with our best friends, and we had SOOOOO much fun :)) The food was fabulous, and the friendship is SPECTACULAR :)) We made some exciting summer travel plans!

TRULY the highlight of my night: After watching THE cutest couple dancing all night--the gentleman is 77. They stopped at our table to say hi to Ricky, and I said, "You guys are awesome!" Clyde said, "Well, when you have been dancing with your partner as long as we have been, you just dance right." I LOVE IT!!!! What a sweetheart :))

Sunday--I am thankful for family time! I love all of the time we spend together :) Today we went to the movie, and we just always have so much fun together! Then when we came home we finished our valentines which was a blast! My favorite part of that...when my step-daughter said, "I'm pretty sure these will be the cutest valentines at school!"

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